
'I hope' in a sentence

Learn how to use 'I hope' with 20 example sentences.

  • I hope I made the right decision.
  • I hope you like Chinese food.
  • I hope the bus ride won't be boring.
  • I hope what you're saying is true.
  • I hope we will be able to keep in touch.
  • I hope that all your dreams come true.
  • I hope you've learned something from your mistake.
  • I hope they find a solution soon.
  • I hope that they're OK.
  • I hope things stay that way forever.
  • I hope I'm out of the hospital before October.
  • I hope we can avoid these mistakes in the future.
  • I hope that you had a good time.
  • I hope we have good weather tomorrow.
  • I hope it's not too late.
  • I hope you didn't put sugar in my coffee.
  • I hope our plane leaves on time.
  • I hope that you have a good lawyer.
  • I hope no one saw me dancing.
  • I hope I don't say anything stupid.
  • Words near 'I hope' in the dictionary